Recipe of Speedy Tofu stew

Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe site, If youre looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Tofu stew recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Tofu stew

Before you jump to Tofu stew recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Learn The Truth On Superfoods.

Youre what you consume. This really is so right. If you eat some poultry that chicken shall be broken down as well as amino acids are going to be used to fix cells and develop muscle. The same goes for all other foods, so its important that you just dine properly. Food advice tells us that the correct food could make us fit and so superfoods are becoming a part of lots of peoples diets. So what constitutes as a superfood. Well, there are 2 types of foods, the good and the poor. Antioxidants in nutritional food facilitates our immune system while bad foods have little value and could make you fat. The nutritional varieties of meals are where youll discover superfoods.

An additional important ability of superfoods is how they help our immune systems. Superfoods are recommended for their beneficial effect on your immunity and garlic is one such food acknowledged for this. Your blood cholesterol count may be lowered through garlic. One caution with garlic is that if you suffer with your tummy in any respect, it may not be advisable to consume it. As mentioned above, water is quite essential for your system (after all, the bulk of the body is made of water) however sometimes it can be tough to consume large volumes of water, which is why you may want to try drinking Green tea. If you think about the extent of antioxidants it has and the very fact it also has polyphenols, then green tea really is worth drinking. One other area where green tea seems to possess a benefit is in helping to stop the development of tumors.

Superfoods are positively worth ingesting as they offer you lots of vitamins and minerals and health boosting vitamins that you could be otherwise not devour through your standard diet.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now lets go back to tofu stew recipe. You can cook tofu stew using 14 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to cook Tofu stew:

  1. Prepare of Fresh tofu,as required.
  2. Provide 3 cups of tomato puree.
  3. Prepare of Ugu leaves,chopped.
  4. You need 1 of large onion.
  5. You need of Grated scotch bonnet.
  6. Provide of Ginger and garlic pastes.
  7. Use of Beef/chicken,cooked and fried.
  8. Use cubes of Seasoning.
  9. Prepare of Spices.
  10. Prepare of Vegetable oil.
  11. You need of Salt.
  12. You need of Curry.
  13. Provide of Thyme.
  14. Take of Ground crayfish.

Instructions to make Tofu stew:

  1. In a pot heat the vegetable oil, add sliced onions and saut. Add the ginger and garlic pastes and fry for few seconds.add curry and thyme and the tomato puree. Stir fry till there's no water left.crumble in the seasoning cubes, add salt and spices.stir well to combine.add the fresh minced tofu and stir then cook for 7mins. Lastly add the ugu leaves and ground crayfish and stir well.cook for 5-7mins and it's ready. Enjoy!.

If you find this Tofu stew recipe helpful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.
